Sunday 29 September 2019

A Fledgling Hatches

It has been a busy couple of weeks for the FogLAMP project and those of us at Dianomic. First we released a new version of FogLAMP, 1.7 in preparation for the PI World EMEA conference. We also then attended that conference and gave a training session for 30 people on FogLAMP and now this week we have been at the Open Network Symposium in Antwerp. The ONS saw the launch a Fledge, a Linux Foundation Edge project for Industrial IOT solutions. This project is in fact a rebranding of FogLAMP and move of FogLAMP to Linux Foundation governance.

The Linux Foundation LFEdge initiative already has a number of other projects whose ranks Fledge joins; Akraino, Baetyl, Edge X Foundry and Project EVE, each of which is targeted to specific areas of the edge device landscape. Other time these projects will be co-operating and fertilising from each of the specific areas they are targeted at to bring the best solutions to the open source world. one of the original reasons we started the FogLAMP project was to attempt to tackle the diversity and lack of standardisation in one specific area of the edge and fog computing worlds; namely extracting data from any sensor, machine or IoT device and enabling that data to as many designations as possible. A consequence of becoming a Linux Foundation project and collaborating with the LFEdge membership can only help to accelerate the standardisation process by providing free to use platforms for data acquisition.

This is a major development for us and the FogLAMP project, over the coming weeks we will be moving the source code into the Linux Foundation and transitioning our development work to Fledge. Of course this will take a little time and we will still continue to support existing FogLAMP deployments as well as developing new features that will become part of Fledge.

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